Educational Resources

Our purpose at The Oasis at St Margaret’s is to deepen the foundations of Christian thinking and heighten the practice of Christian living through engagement with substantive Christian writings, stimulating speakers and teachers, and practical tools for daily living.  We are helping believers and seekers know and follow the way of Jesus Christ, and equipping Christians spiritually to walk in justice and compassion, and to be the hands and feet of Christ in the world. 

Our educational resource library will grow as our programs develop, and we encourage you to explore the books and other resources listed below to assist you in your journey. 

Books & Essays

  • The Bible

    Various Authors

  • On Being a Christian

    Hans Kung

  • Your God is Too Small

    J.B. Phillips

  • Arriving at Amen

    Leah Libresco

  • Building the Benedict Option

    Leah Libresco

  • A Grief Observed

    C.S. Lewis

  • Mere Christianity

    C.S. Lewis

  • Natural Spirituality

    Joyce Rockwood Hudson

  • The Interior Castle

    Teresa of Ávila

  • Practicing the Presence of God

    Brother Lawrence

  • I and Thou

    Martin Buber

  • The Wounded Healer

    Henry Nolan


  • Corrie Ten Boom

  • Thomas Keatings

  • Richard Rohr

  • Thomas Merton

  • John Sanford

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